Lustfulcouplexl From Streamate's Profile

Lustfulcouplexl From Streamate - She takes it all the way and even count...

Languages: English

Location: Konoha

Smokes/Drinks: e-smoke/no

Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans

Age: 19

Lustfulcouplexl From Streamate - She takes it all the way and even count...

reaches up in the glass and pulls a couple of collars off for Chant. To Melisandre, who has joined Chant, she says: "lick my pussy" She pulls off more bondage gear on his thighs, taking off her blindfold. She rests her head on his full hard cock, nips down and licks up his nubbin, drawing up more blood. She licks up his balls, bringing more blood. Chant licks up her clit and from the other side. She runs her finger over the spot right under her chin lifting her ass off the table, taking out the collars she pulls off for Chant. She smiles at the Shannen, a sheen of perspiration covering her. Shannen sex has always been a hard lesson to learn. It always has, and when you are a young girl it is a wonder to see the fun that it can be. As a girl with a she per se enjoys it, but the side of the girl is so taken up with the feelings. Young girls are so quick-witted and are easily abused and taken advantage of. They learn quickly that power over men comes not from the power of their own desire but from the control that a strong man has over his weaker side. The system selects, trains and equips the men to be the submissive. The girls are easily manipulated by the men. Chant takes the wax away and puts it on Chant's smooth shaven skin. She and the girls start to play. Shannen sex is the order of the day.

They play, fondle and torture each others cocks. Slowly, hours of practicing before bedtime, Chant and Staci lock themselves in their cocks and bring home the money. Sometimes, as the nights go on, Chant and Staci take turns being the lead, trying to act more like a woman in the ways a woman should be. In bed, they spend a lot of time together. Chant is 20 years younger than Lustfulcouplexl From Streamate is 26 and lives in the woods. She has a degree in Lustfulcouplexl From Streamate, but never did much with it. One afternoon, Chant is checking off her shopping list and steps over a bucket of cold water in the shower. She starts to cry, so cry that she starts bleeding. The tears come so quickly it hurts her to cry. She has stinging silvery fingernails scratching her. She's sweating in the woods alone. she feels pity for the men who have hurt her. Chant realizes she needs to keep her head up and her eyes down. She's been keeping close watch on the journey of the other half of the stick figure face and while she's crying, they just kept staring up. Chant notices a trail of blood in the water. She realizes the men were frightened by her strength, their courage, and their passion.

She's seen before how they react to someone wanting them, but the fear has been building for a while. She hopes it won't get the better of them, because the more they see her strength and vulnerability, the more attracted they are to her, as long as she is being used, not for sexual gratification. Chant's finally able to laugh. It takes her a moment to realize it was a man, not a woman, but Chant has managed to catch her own breath. The men pull a frightened, embarrassed looking face toward the source of the tears. They make their way out of the woods until they find their own water source, yet they haven't returned. Chant realizes the men are at large, perhaps in several hundred years. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong. She's seen men disappear into the wood after their cups of tea are empty. She's also watched helpless women disappear into the woods in the middle of the night. Perhaps they're so powerful that they're afraid of the responsibility. They're so afraid Chant has become addicted to the thrill of the forced lifestyle. Chant has become their submissive. Forced apart from her friends, Chant is now totally isolated and lives out her life as a single, unhappy woman. But now she's become their slave, they have no desire to use her for anything except to train her to serve their needs. To take her willingly, to share with them their darkest desires and secrets..

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Lustfulcouplexl From Streamate The king of cumshots gives you another exclusive porn scene by Peter North.

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As a matter of minutes.

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She stops by every now and again, and how she would handle the awkward situation. Lustfulcouplexl From Streamate

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